0844 5874525

Stephen Hooper
A must for all Team Leaders and MSO's. An excellent course.
Maritime Firearms Refresher Course 13th August 2014
Matthew Turrall MC
I done the 1 day firearms course. It was a very enjoyable professional course and instruction. Well recomended
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 13th August 2014
Lasailakeba Batisele
A well structed course run by an Instructor with experience and his name and reputation says it all.The course allows us alot of hands on the weapon system that are used now in the circuit. KNobby makes sure that we are confindence in using this weapons at the the end of the day. It was beyond my expectation for a 1 day course. Am definately gonna be coming down again for my refresher course next year.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 13th August 2014
Zane Humphreys
A really interesting and informative course. I also attended the Familiarisation training day prior to the Competency day. I'm very glad I did, it's definitely worth attending for anyone a bit rusty and suffering from skill fade (as I was). Or anyone unfamiliar with the maritime weapon systems. The training led perfectly into the Competency day of which the classroom work was enlightening, providing useful insight into all aspects of armed security and the practical phase was interesting and enjoyable using varied weapons and equipment that could be issued by different contract providers. Will happily be back for my refresher next year!
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 12th August 2014
Benjamin Wilson
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 10th August 2014
Chris Duggan
STS held an informative well balanced Weapons Course. Each weapon' characteristics was show by the Instructor prior to the Students involvement. The course was full day of vast experience and knowledge being passed down, value money and will recommend all STS courses.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 10th August 2014
Dean Neville
This course far exceeded my expectations and was significantly better than other firearms courses I have attended with other providers. The instruction was second to none, with excellent knowledge, not only of all the weapon systems covered, but the security sector as a whole. I would highly recommend this course to all and will be doing all future courses through STS.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 9th August 2014
Dale Blackman
A simple scroll through all of the reviews for shooting training solutions and can clearly see it's a very highly rated course from a provider that has the level of experience that far exceeds any ive encountered to date. A thoroughly enjoyable day of vital refresher training giving hands on experience with a wealth of different weapons in a safe and controlled environment.
Maritime Firearms Refresher Course 8th August 2014
Dean Kirk
This course is not like the rest of the shooting course that just try and give lads the tick in the box. The instruction is first class with demonstration by instructor proving the level of instruction given and knowledge of all weapons covered. Will be doing all future shooting courses through STS.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 8th August 2014
Owen McNamee
I was extremely impressed with professional delivery of this one day firearms course. The expectations were clearly outlined from the beginning of the course. All areas of the training were expertly conveyed to participants. The day was full on,eventful but physical and full of knowledge for each of the weapons handled. I would highly recommend this course.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 5th August 2014
James Clare
A very informative course with plenty of 'hands on' a variety of weapon systems used within the industry. Plenty of time is spent in the range using a good amount of ammunition. Mark's enthusiasm to pass on his knowledge and experience is shown throughout the day. I left the course with a renewed confidence in my ability to handle any weapon system using Mark's techniques. An excellent day, thoroughly enjoyed. Is it any wonder that the major maritime companies recommend/require us to do this course?!!!
Maritime Firearms Refresher Course 3rd August 2014
James Clare
A very informative course with plenty of 'hands on' a variety of weapon systems used within the industry. Plenty of time is spent in the range using a good amount of ammunition. Mark's enthusiasm to pass on his knowledge and experience is shown throughout the day. I left the course with a renewed confidence in my ability to handle any weapon system using Mark's techniques. An excellent day, thoroughly enjoyed. Is it any wonder that the major maritime companies recommend/require us to do this course?!!!
Maritime Firearms Refresher Course 3rd August 2014
Lee Gillman
I would highly recommend the STS Firearms course, having attended 2previous courses with alternate providers I can only say that Marks course is head and shoulders above any of the competition both in content and overall standard. Having served in the Royal Marines for over 20 years and specialising in personal weapons I thought I had witnessed a high standard of training, Marks methodical training approach is easily followed and understood, even on unfamiliar weapon systems. It was genuinely a pleasure and also a thoroughly enjoyable course to attend. I will definitely be returning next year
Maritime Firearms Refresher Course 3rd August 2014
Bernardus J Hoffschlag
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 3rd August 2014
Tony Grashuis
The course is given on a very high standard. The instructor is extremely good skilled and has a lot of knowledge. The day itself is well structured and proven to be very usefull. I would recommend this to every MSO.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 2nd August 2014
Karai Qiolevu
Just wanted to thank "Nobby" for the time and effort in putting us through the course. Extreamely pleased with the way the course was conducted, I must admit that, at first I thought; hang on a minute " £360 just to do the one day course? You gotta be kidding me. Turned out I was wrong , It was an awesome course, taught by an awesome Instructor. I will, in the future, definatley recommend this course to my friends out there who are also looking to get into Maritime Security.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 2nd August 2014
Marius Johnsen
Great one day course with a very competent instructor. 4 persons pr group which allows plenty of hands on with the weapons, and feedback from Mark. Will recommend it to anyone.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 1st August 2014
Chris Gamble
An extremely well run course, with expert instruction. The course is well constructed, with time spent in the classroom and a 25m indoor range. The course covers the background of the piracy threat, trends and insight into specific incidents. It also covers the importance of the legal issues surronding the use of a weapons in an incident. The day is kept to a maximum of 4 people allowing a lot of hands on with the weapon systems and allowing plenty of interaction in the classroom. I would recomend this course to any PCASP, it certainly sets the benchmark in safety and personal confidence on the various weapon systems that you are likely to come across.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 26th July 2014
William Mitchell
VG. First rate instruction. Excellent day.
Maritime Firearms Refresher Course 25th July 2014
Lee Wilson
The course will ensure that students are safe, confident and competent in handling any firearm likely to be encountered within the maritime security industry. The drills that are taught are simple but effective and are easily transferred across all of the live-fire semi-automatic weapon systems used throughout the day... of which there are plenty! The administration side of Shooting Training Solutions is equally as efficient as the training. Booking the course was easy with all communications promptly answered. My certificate was posted on the day of completion and STS even emailed a copy direct to the company I work for. Overall an enjoyable day with high-quality instruction delivered in a relaxed yet professional manner.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 23rd July 2014 |
Jay Weeks
Excellent instruction from a very experienced instruction. Many thanks.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 20th July 2014
Adrian Dance
This was my fourth time with Shooting Training Solutions, from initial qualification to 3 times requalifying. The course has gone from strength to strength. Mark has a great deal of experience in this field and enjoys shooting and giving something back. This is evident in his quality of instruction. There are only 4 in the class which allows for a great balance between instructor and student. The morning is spent in the classroom updating you with what is happening in the industry from Intel to industrial trends. Then you are reaquainted with the weapons followed by WHT's. After the provided lunch the afteroon is spent wholly on the range. The whole course runs smoothly and all the subjects covered are relevant and enjoyable. A Quality Course with Quality Instruction with great facilities. Thanks Mark.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 17th July 2014
Aidan Leslie
I can't fault the Maritime Firearms Competency 1 day course, from the instruction to the facilities and the range of weapons to get hands on, it was an excellent day out brushing up on skills that are highly perishable. I would highly recommend taking this course prior to taking on any maritime work as not only are weapon skills brought up to speed, but also use of communication during firing and the legal implications of using weapons in the maritime environment.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 16th July 2014
This course is run by one of the most professional, experienced and decorated people within the industry. The standard of quality is parrallel to no other, (hence why I drive all the way down from Scotland even when there are courses that are closer). If your skill fade is obvious you will be aided by 1 to 1 tuition, bearing in mind dry drills will always be done first, to brush off those cob webs that we ALL DO get after having not touched variant weapon sytems in so long. The aim is to get all passed safely, in which with each course that I have been on, there have been no failures, however, that said, I do know that there have been failures in the past, so "Walter Mitty's" (which we know that are out there) take heed. Great, Relaxed and Safe course that will be recommendnot only by myself but by others too, with a shoot at the end to complete the day to win some money from the instructor is never a bad thing is it !? Weapon systems used are - M16's M4's AK Variants, HK variants , Bolt actions, Brownings, Bannellis SLR's and more. Now I beg the retorical question who can compete with that ? Top Class Day.
Maritime Firearms Refresher Course 15th July 2014
Danny Buckett
I recently undertook the 1 Day MFCC with STS down in Sherbourne. The course is extremely well run with expert tuition provided by ex UKSF instructors. The facilities are great, and courses are kept to a maximum of 4 which means there is alot of hands on with the weapons and alot more scruitiny when it comes to individual weapons handling. This in turn provides you as an operator with confidence that when you deploy with guys that have been on the course that they are to a rigorously maintained standard. Coming from a UKSF Background myself I was a little aprehensive about undertaking a course that may have taught me to suck eggs. However, It definately shows that despite how good you once may have been that skill fade effects us all, and previous "bad habits" when operating once familiar weapon systems have to be ironed out when in the civillian sector. You will leave the course with renewed confidence in your shooting abilities and weapons handling and I would highly recommend this course to all prospective and current MSO's. With the industry becoming more regulated this will soon be a must for all transits, and you wont go far wrong by choosing this course.
Maritime Firearms Competency Course 15th July 2014