Agreement: Shooting Training Solutions Ltd agrees to provide you with a firearms course during date(s) agreed between STS and the client.
Reservation of your selected package: Your course will be reserved for you as per the booking procedure. If the minimum number is not met then you will be notified of this three (3) days prior to commencement and requested to book another date.
Payment: A non-refundable deposit of your total course fee is required to secure your dates you have designated. On receipt of our deposit you should have read and agree to these terms and conditions. You should meet the criteria as laid down on the home page under course attendance requirements. We will then confirm you are booked on and send you a set of joining instructions. If at any stage you do not meet the criteria, you’re booking will be withdrawn and the full amount of payment will not be refunded.
Payment: A deposit will be taken on booking course dates with STS to secure the venue and range for your course. This is non refundable once paid. The full payment for your course must be paid no later than 2 days after being requested from STS. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that payment is made as requested from STS. No refund or any part of the monies paid will be refunded if you decide to not attend or cannot make the dates you have chosen or do not meet the standards required and if you commit an unsafe act whilst on the Range.
Price of the package: Once booked, the price of your package is guaranteed and will be free of surcharges.
Cancellation: In the unfortunate event of you needing to cancel your course booking, we request you get in touch with us as soon as possible. On booking a course a deposit is required which is non refundable if you cancel or fail to attend. If you wish to change your course date then Shooting Training Solutions Ltd must be informed by e-mail or letter as soon as possible and no later than fourteen (14) before your course date, your original deposit on booking your dates is non refundable. Your own insurance is recommended to cover such issues. If you fail to attend the course on the date booked then all payments are forfeited and no refund will be given.
Unacceptable or unsafe behaviour: We reserve the right to cease providing services to you if any terms and conditions or range rules are broken, or wilful damage to property takes place. In such cases, our contractual obligations with you or your party will cease. You will be liable for any civil or criminal actions and you’re booking will be treated as having been cancelled by you and be liable for any fees. If we cease to provide our service to you because of your unacceptable behaviour, or safety is breached no monies will be returned under any circumstances. Shooting Training Solutions Ltd reserves the right to withdraw any contractual services at any time without notice. Your safety is our utmost concern.
Complaints: In the event of any concerns or complaints, please contact a member of the Shooting Training Solutions Ltd team at the time. We would actively seek to resolve any issues you may have at the time. If you cannot obtain satisfaction, please write to us at Shooting Training Solutions Ltd within 14 days of return by recorded delivery. Please be assured that any complaints received will be acted on immediately.
Force Majeure: Shooting training Solutions Ltd cannot be held responsible for any loss, delay or cancellation resulting from any of the following:- War, Riots, Acts of God, Political Unrest, Pandemic, Threat of War or Terrorism, Industrial Disputes, Fire, Storm, Flood, Closure of Ports, Weather Conditions, or any other circumstances beyond our control.
You Agree to Indemnify Us: You agree to indemnify and hold us and our Directors and instructor (as applicable) harmless from and against any claim, damages, proceedings, losses and damages of every kind and nature, including solicitors’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this agreement or the terms and policies it incorporates by reference, or your violation of any laws or the rights of third parties.
Amendments to Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to amend this agreement at any time without notification. Your continued use of Shooting Training Solutions Ltd/Sherborne School facilities following such notification will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the agreement as amended.
Disclaimer: You must read our terms and conditions prior to commencement. The participant’s payment confirms his/her responsibilities whilst on Shooting Training Solutions Ltd/Sherborne School premises, and his/her obligations to Shooting Training Solutions Ltd with regard to his/her insurance. No person may participate on a course or enter any of the ranges, if they are prohibited under Sec 21 of the Firearms Act (1968). No person may enter or use any of the ranges without signing the Range register and confirming the regulations. There will be a certain amount of physical activity involved on the course. You must inform the staff before the commencement of the course if you have any reasons medical or otherwise why you can not to take part in any of the exercises.
Insurance Claims: All insured and uninsured costs must be settled prior to leaving Shooting Training Solutions Ltd/Sherborne School premises.
Personal Property: Shooting Training Solutions Ltd and Sherborne School cannot accept any responsibility for personal possessions whilst on Shooting Training Solutions Ltd or Sherborne School facilities.
Referral; You will sign a waiver stating you have no previous Convictions, outstanding court cases or refused a firearms application by the Police before commencement of the course. You will not be allowed to participate on the course if the document is not signed at the time of your course.